New coronavirus: everything you need to know

What are the symptoms of the new coronavirus? How is the situation of the new coronavirus in Brazil? Is there treatment? Check out the tips that Omint recommends to keep your health up to date

Publicado por administrator

29 de April de 2021

Covid-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus, has been causing many questions and fears in people. Therefore, we have prepared this content with relevant information to help you and your family to prevent Covid-19. Check out:


  1. What is the new coronavirus, where did it come from and how is it transmitted?
  2. What are the symptoms of the new coronavirus?
  3. When should I see a doctor?
  4. Is there a treatment and vaccine for the new coronavirus?
  5. How to reduce the risk of infection with the new coronavirus?
  6. Count on Omint to keep you healthy
  7. Talk to your doctor or consult Dr. Omint Digital if


What the new coronavirus is, where it came from and how it is transmitted??

The onset of the outbreak, which on March 11, 2020 came to be considered a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), began at a wild animal market in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. The new coronavirus received this name because it looks like a crown when viewed under a microscope.


The new variant is called 2019-nCoV, until then not identified in humans only in animals and, probably, due to close contact with these contaminated animals, the virus has reached humans, causing respiratory diseases.


Brazil confirmed the first case on February 25, 2020. To follow the progress of the new coronavirus in Brazil, just access the Ministry of Health website.

What are the symptoms of the new coronavirus?

novo coronavirus - sintomas


The first symptoms of the new coronavirus start on average after 5 days of contact with the virus, being fever, tiredness, cough and shortness of breath. There are cases of patients who experience pain, nasal congestion, runny nose and sore throat. Symptoms tend to be gradual.


In more severe cases, it may progress to respiratory manifestations due to pulmonary impairment. Elderly, patients with chronic underlying diseases (cardiac, pulmonary in addition to diabetes) and patients with low immunity may have more severe manifestations.


Some people have mild symptoms, especially in the early stages, and many are asymptomatic. So it is possible to get the new coronavirus from someone who has just had a cough, for example, or even without having manifested any symptoms.

When to see a doctor?

Since the symptoms are similar to those of a common flu, what differentiates a suspected case is the fact that the patient has traveled to areas of transmission or has been in contact with someone who has passed through these locations. However, as currently in many places the transmission has become community, that is, with cases transmitted from person to person without any relation to travel in endemic regions, all with symptoms are suspect.


Thus, patients with flu symptoms such as fever, cough, sore throat, tiredness, without respiratory manifestations should be isolated for 14 days, without the need to be tested. If you have a fever (temperature above 37.8ºC refractory to anti-thermals), cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention. Under this circumstance, the examination will be necessary. If you are asymptomatic, that is, without symptoms, there is no need to see a doctor or do specific tests.

Check out the tips from Omint’s partner experts:


Is there a treatment and vaccine for the new coronavirus?

Rest and fluid intake are indicated, as well as measures to relieve symptoms, such as analgesics and antipyretics. For now, there are no vaccines and drugs available to fight the new coronavirus.


It is important to say that most people who contract the new coronavirus recover and can go on with life normally. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the lethality rate is, on average, 2% to 3% in confirmed cases.


People with advanced age or who have associated diseases – high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, patients undergoing cancer treatment – are considered at risk and therefore should take extra care.


The recovery period varies according to the patient’s age and clinical condition. People who develop pneumonia may have a longer recovery time.

How to reduce the risk of infection with the new coronavirus?

novo coronavírus - como evitar


  • Avoid close contact with people who have breathing problems.
  • Wash your hands frequently, especially after direct contact with sick people or before eating.
  • Use disposable tissue for nasal hygiene.
  • Avoid touching the mucous membranes of the eyes.
  • Clean your hands after coughing or sneezing.
  • Do not share personal items, such as cutlery, plates, glasses or bottles.
  • Keep rooms well ventilated.
  • Avoid close contact with wild animals and sick animals on farms.
  • When coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth and nose with elbow or a disposable tissue.
  • Don’t self-medicate.


>> Access Omint’s coronavirus portal.


Count on Omint to keep you healthy

If there are questions, clients of Omint medical plans can also rely on Dr. Omint Digital, which offers online medical advice. Access the service through the Minha Omint portal or through the 24-hour medical telephone service.


In order to provide relevant information on the subject and prevent the spread of fake news, we created an exclusive Omint website with several tips from experts who are references and work in the best hospitals in Brazil

Talk to your doctor or consult Dr. Omint Digital if

  • there was contact with any person suspected of having the new coronavirus or a patient with a confirmed case;
  • there are symptoms such as fever, cough, difficulty breathing, runny nose, sore throat, chills, tremors, headache and muscle pain.

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