

Contact is made only in writing.

If you have already registered your complaint with SAC – Click here

If you have not yet registered your complaint with SAC – Click here

Pessoas com deficiência auditiva ou fala, atendimento através de aparelhos adaptados
Through adapted devices

0800 727 7070 (option 3)

The Ombudsman is a permanent consumer protection agent linked to the General Directorate of Omint, which acts independently with the company's decision-making bodies, ensuring compliance with the rights of members.

Our commitment is to review situations that have already been dealt with by the Customer Service Center (SAC) and which have not had a satisfactory solution, from the point of view of the member. We impartially observe the rights and duties of our associates and act as a communication channel, including in mediation of conflicts.

No. The Ombudsman represents and defends the associate within the company and, with the Omint executive group, reassesses the issues and solutions adopted by the Associate Service (SAC).

All individual or business associates who relate to Omint.

Only doubts, requests and complaints that have already been dealt with by the Customer Service Center (SAC) and that the response received did not meet your expectations.

Any matter that has not been previously dealt with by the Customer Service Department (SAC) or that is already being dealt with in the judicial sphere or external bodies.

Contact is made only in writing:
If you have already registered your complaint with SAC - Click here
If you have not yet registered your complaint with SAC - Click here

The Ombudsman receives demands on working days and business hours. Responses will be sent within 07 business days.

Important: in order to guarantee the confidentiality of the
personal information of our associates, Omint does not send
information of any kind to electronic addresses not previously
Registration changes, including email, can be made exclusively
by members, through our exclusive services area – Minha Omint.